Galactic Republic Charts

Galactic Republic Efficiency Charts

Here we will keep and attempt to update the Galactic Republic (GAR) efficiency and wound by target charts.

Not every single load-out is shown, just the common ones. Blue/green is good (high wounds/efficiency), red is bad (low wounds/efficiency). For an explanation of what these charts demonstrate and why they are important, please read the Intro article here: Risk Management and Efficiency.

We added a column to the efficiency charts called Weighted Efficiency. This is just a given unit/weapons (non-impact wounds [red die] x 2/3) + (impact wounds [white with surge] x 1/3). So basically it weights non-impact wounds at 66% and impact wounds at 33%. The charts are sorted (descending) based on this value. If you want much more detailed breakdowns of the units and their loadouts, please visit the Unit Guides. The values are generated through a simulator; while this allows for easily accounting for static variables like cover, pierce, and critical X, it also means the values will be off by a decimal place or two. For example, you might see 2.99 instead of 3.00. As you can see with these shiny new GAR charts, the format of this page will differ slightly for the new factions, at least until we get new units. We’ve combined the no cover and cover 2 values into one chart. These calcs do not include surge tokens, which are obviously an important mechanic for GAR. We will dive more into those once we start hitting some GAR Unit Guides.

We’ve included the Z-6 and DLT numbers for comparison. All of the pools are without the extra trooper upgrade, but the heavy upgrades include the dice form the rest of the squad. I also included some fire support pools, for fun. Look at those Saber Throw + Z-6 wounds. Tasty. Sadly Obi-Wan only has two force slots, and you probably are going to want Push and Guidance, but fire supporting a Saber Throw sounds entertaining, at least.

GAR Efficiency Chart

Galactic Republic Charts 1

GAR Wounds/Hits

Galactic Republic Charts 2