Category Archives: Opinion

To Dew or not to Dew – Playing Dewbacks in Star Wars: Legion

The Dewbacle has been looming over the Star Wars: Legion community like a star destroyer [...]

(Re) Balance in the Force – Star Wars: Legion Points Update

This article takes a look at the surprise (but not unwelcome) points re-balance and errata [...]

Star Wars: Legion Clone Wars First Reaction Part 1 – Separatist Alliance

Trained in Your Jedi Arts – Give your Order to Grievous, uplink both B1s and [...]

Star Wars:Legion Clone Wars Unboxing

Hello Troopers! We got our hands on the Star Wars: Legion Clone Wars core set [...]

Bringing hope to your list – Making Jyn Erso a cornerstone of your Star Wars: Legion list

It has been a tough road for Jyn Erso in Star Wars Legion. Like a [...]

Let’s Fly Away – Switching factions in Star Wars: Legion

Let’s start off by saying that this isn’t the first time I have stepped out [...]

The curious case for the Airspeeder: The time for the T-47 in Star Wars: Legion has come.

I’d like to make a case for this to be the T-47’s time in Star [...]

Armor for your Armoire: Let’s talk about the Occupier Tank in Star Wars Legion

Once we were done ogling the tank like a dessert cart at a fancy restaurant, [...]

When Death Troopers come knocking: Why my Star Wars Legion list has changed

That’s where I am really going with this, playing this list made me play Legion [...]

The Trade Federation has arrived: Why I think Star Wars Legion’s price will increase

In a capital not so far away there has been a trade dispute occurring with [...]