When Death Troopers come knocking: Why my Star Wars Legion list has changed

When Death Troopers come knocking: Why my Star Wars Legion list has changed 2

That’s where I am really going with this, playing this list made me play Legion the right way. I couldn’t run Darth Vader at an opposing army, I couldn’t Palp bomb, I couldn’t have Boba Fett jet pack all over the place. I had to be conservative and pick my opportunities, I had to deploy carefully or be destroyed… I had to be better.

Getting minis table ready for Star Wars: Legion Pt 1

Getting minis table ready for Star Wars: Legion Pt 1 3

Before we begin, I’d like to start with a disclaimer – I am in no way a master painter. I am just like you, a dude with limited time who wants to get my minis table ready. With that said and expectations set, let’s talk about how I get my minis table ready with limited amount of time.