Guide updates: Wookiee Defenders and Republic Repulsors

Picture of Evan Paul

Evan Paul

Evan "Doc Velo" Paul is the deputy editor of the blog as well as Fifth Trooper's leading fluttercraft "tactician," media "analyst," and Star Wars canon "expert."

Hey everyone!

As you may have heard, this game changed a lot recently, and well…it’s made quite a bit of our content obsolete. We’re re-doing the index page at the moment but for now, I wanted to highlight that we’ve started updating our unit guides, beginning with the Wookiee Defender battle force and most of the vehicles that can be taken in it (sorry BARC, maybe next time…yeesh though).

We’re also experimenting with making the updates in blue so it’s easier to tell what’s changed…and also I left the old text in there with strikethrough when it was funny. If any of this is annoying or if you have other thoughts please let us know so we can consider adjustments in the future, this is all for you guys and girls after all!

Here are links to the guides for the curious:


Evan “Doc Velo” Paul

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