Category Archives: Unit Analysis

Krossk in the Modern Era

I’ll begin with a disclaimer, I’m not a bleeding edge competitive player. I do like [...]

Corps Unit Upgrade Packs

Get ready to upgrade your little plastic spacedudes with some hot new upgrade packs for [...]

Endless’ Guide to Playing Tauntauns in Star Wars: Legion

Yep, I’m writing about this, just in case you weren’t sold on them being amazing [...]

Shoretroopers – Unit Guide

This week we take a gander at the newest Empire gunline hotness for Star Wars [...]

Darkness Descends

Luke Skywalker or Darth Vader: as a kid growing up watching Star Wars, you tend [...]

Luke vs. Luuke

You Serve Your Master Well (YSYMW) is one of the most interesting, potentially powerful cards [...]

Like a Bossk

This is a unit deep dive for the Empire’s new favorite bounty hunter for Star [...]

Rebel Veterans – Quick and Dirty

Rebel Veterans are here soonish, and we got our long awaited preview of their heavy [...]

The Synergies of Sabine Wren

As we plug along here at the Jedha Journal I’m going to try and take [...]

Sabine Wren: Explosive Artist

Most of the information on Sabine has been out for quite some time, and this [...]