Padmé Amidala – Unit Guide

Picture of Timbo


Tim "Timbo" Veldhuis is an avid Star Wars Legion player. His wargaming background is in Age of Sigmar. You can find him on "The Legion Discord". When not pushing plastic you can find him studying engineering or out in the field with his family's bees.

This unit guide will cover one of my favorite characters in Legion, Padmé Amidala.

Padmé is always willing to put the many ahead of the few, and others ahead of herself. In Legion, this is represented by a unit card that is packed with keywords that help buff the army around her. Padmé is also able to hold her own in combat if needed, especially to help create a good Fire Support opportunity for clones around her.


  • Excellent support character
  • Excellent command cards
  • Decent offensive capabilities


  • Can be fragile
  • In a point dense faction


Padmé Amidala

Padmé Amidala 101 - Fantasy Flight Games

90 Points Padmé comes in at 90 points, this is fairly average for support characters. 90 points for all her keywords can feel like a steal. Overall Padmé is at a cost where she is an option, but GAR is expensive and can be tough to find the points for her.

Defense Padmé has 6 wounds with white surging defense dice. She does also have Nimble which can boost her defense. You really want her to be out of line of sight (LOS) though. If Padmé can be seen, she can be defeated.

Offense Padmé has Sharpshooter 2 which makes her offense fairly potent for a support character. Her base gun is range 1-2 3B Pierce 1. This gun is really good for shooting opposing melee units that make it to your lines, especially if you want to fire support as Padmé surges to hit. Padmé also throws 3B in melee which is fine, but Padmé should never really be in melee. Padmé can also be given a range 1-3 1R1W gun that also has Pierce 1. This gun is really good if you want to run Padmé a bit more aggressively as it does consistent damage and is another very good Fire Support opportunity.

Support Keywords

Quick Thinking Padmé can take the action Quick Thinking. This action produces 1 aim and 1 dodge token. This combos well with Exemplar to share tokens with the army. Quick Thinking is also useful, as, on top of Quick Thinking you can also take an aim, dodge or standby token, generating 3 green tokens with 2 actions.

Authoritative Padmé has the Authoritative keyword which is basically like having a Comms Relay. This is really good for her own command cards as she is able to pass off an order on herself to another unit. Authoritative can also be used in specific instances if you need to order a unit that is within range of Padmé but not the commander.

Exemplar Padmé’s “banner” keyword is Exemplar. This allows her to share aims, dodges, surges and standbys at range 1-2 with any friendly unit. This can lead to some really interesting combos which we will explore later.



Padmé’s command slot is quite unique for an operative. It complements her support keywords excellently, allowing her to support her army even more.

Every single command slot upgrade has some sort of use on her.

Aggressive Tactics

Mostly negligible on Padmé as she’s an operative so cannot use generic command cards.

Commanding Presence

Another card that is mostly negligible except that Padmé has Authoritative. Commanding Presence would allow her to issue orders with Authoritative up to range 4. Could see some niche uses for flanking forces. The only problem with this is that you want your units to be close to her anyways.

Esteemed Leader

Keeping Padmé alive is paramount, esteemed leader can help you do that. I would recommend passing on this card though as she shouldn’t be getting attacked, and you don’t really want to guardian onto clones.

Improvised Orders

Improvised Orders certainly is an option on Padmé. If you are running an Anakin/Padmé list then Improvised Orders might be a consideration for instance. She doesn’t want to ever recover though so you won’t be getting multiple uses of this card per turn.

Inspiring Presence

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Padmé is on this card for a reason. As she is an operative she doesn’t come with a command bubble, with this card she will get a large one. The biggest issue with this card is that the Republic army doesn’t really need help with courage for the most part right now. This card would be helpful if you find yourself encountering a lot of suppressive weapons in your games. Inspiring Presence might also see some use in the future if Courage 1 units become the bulwark of the Republic forces.

Strict Orders

Strict orders is generally a good way to help deal with suppression. In current clone armies you’ll usually have a fair number of faceup orders so you’ll get good use of this card. Clones currently don’t struggle with suppression so probably don’t need this card for now


Padmé Amidala - Unit Guide 2

Vigilance is an excellent choice for Padmé. Vigilance helps you to lean into what she is good at, sharing tokens. Vigilance is probably the best card for her in most situations.


Padmé’s training slot is certainly one that doesn’t need to be filled, there’re a few cards that should be considered.

Offensive Push

Offensive Push could be taken on Padmé if you want to play a more aggressive play style. This card would allow her to gain Tactical for a move to keep providing tokens for the army, even as she re-locates. This could also be useful in an alpha strike list as you often need to move her at least once at the beginning of the game to get her in an ideal location.

Offensive Push could also be used if you want to use her as a fire support platform as you could move-shoot and generate an aim token.

Situational Awareness

This card can help make Padmé much more survivable as she’ll almost always have a dodge on her. Situational Awareness can also help if you want to play her more aggressively in conjunction with Nimble and Vigilance.

Seize the Initiative

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Seize the Initiative is really good on a lot of characters. It is even better on Padmé as she has Authoritative which means she can use Seize to give an order to something else. This could be used for another Take That Clankers faceup, or a variety of other uses. Seize is definitely not a card to take every time but can be used to make some really interesting combinations.


Padmé’s gear slot is most of the time going to remain empty, there’s really only 2 cards that I could see putting on her.

Targeting Scopes

If you plan to use Padmé as a fire support enabler, then targeting scopes might be a consideration for you. I probably would never do this myself but could see a case for it.

Recon Intel

The only gear I’ve ever put on my Padmé. Scout 1 is often enough to get her to the position she will remain for the entire game, essentially saving a move action. Therefore allowing more token generation.

Don’t forget if you infiltrate Padme via Diplomatic Cover she can still utilize the Scout move after she deploys.


Only one option here, but it’s a good one.

Looted E-5 Blaster

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A solid weapon combined with her Sharpshooter 2. The most important part of this weapon is that it is range 3, allowing her to contribute to the fight and/or provide a fire support platform from a much safer distance. The decision whether or not to take this weapon comes down to whether or not you think you ever want to shoot with Padmé. I usually forgo this weapon as I want her to create tokens. However, there’ve been many circumstances where I wish I had her gun. Her base gun is still great so if you can’t fit this gun in or you decide not to take it, no worries.

Command Cards

3-Pip Diplomatic Cover

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This card is fairly straight forward on the surface but there is some nuance.

First off, it only orders herself which isn’t great for a 3 pip. However, she does have Authoritative which makes the single order more versatile, and clones get plenty of free orders right now anyways.

This card has the option to Divulge at the beginning of the deploy units step. The decision whether or not to Divulge is rather huge as it can determine Padmé’s role for the entire game. If you do divulge it will give her Secret Mission which can be game winning. My recommendation is to figure out in list building whether you will Divulge or not when you play games, as her non-divulge effect Reliable 1 can be used to give surges to armies that lack them. This card is especially handy though as it can make her a flex piece. I have sometimes divulged when not planning to after observing the ban phase and the opponent’s army.

Most of the time when playing Padmé you should try to play this card first round, either because you have to because of Divulge, or, if you’re not Divulging, so you can get the most out of the Reliable.

2-Pip Aggressive Negotiations

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Padmé’s 2 pip is an amazing command card that is very versatile. This card has so many uses, many that are game changing.

At minimum, this card will hand out 2 green tokens, can be what you need if you are looking for a first shot, or a couple dodges to keep a unit alive.

The more flashier ability on this card is a Speed-1 move on ordered units. This can be critical for objective play; Hostage Exchange and Recover The Supplies come to mind. This ability can also move units into a fire support location, or just move a unit out of danger. This card has so many uses and needs experience to know exactly when to play this card and for what purpose.

1-Pip Our Fate is in Your Hands

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Probably the most niche of Padmé’s cards, this card can be amazing in the right circumstance.

First off, this card is a 1-pip that can, combined with Authoritative, give an order to any unit. If you end up playing this card as essentially a second copy of Ambush, you’re still happy with it.

The effect in this card can be used to help deal with suppression if it is starting to build up. In GAR right now there are few common options for suppression mitigation when you need it. This card can be used to pull suppression of a key unit to allow them to not panic, or even get two actions to go claim an objective. When you pull off suppression you also can create up to two dodge tokens which can then help keep your army alive. I often find that this card is really useful to play when there are two suppression down at the start of the turn. I’m usually not concerned with getting rid of the suppression but instead with creating two dodge tokens.

This card also gives Padmé Danger Sense 2. If you are going for Secret Mission, Danger Sense may be crucial to keep her alive. Don’t depend on Danger Sense though and generally it is forgettable on this card.

General Strategy

Padmé should always be kept safe, this is paramount. When you are setting up and deploying, try to identify where she will go/end up. You want to find a LOS blocker that will keep her safe but will allow her to be roughly centered in your army with plenty of LOS to your own army. With that said, you probably want to be playing blue player with Padmé so you can choose board edge and get an ideal location for her and her army.

If you want to be playing Padmé as a fire support enabler you most likely should have her Looted E-5 Blaster. I would recommend using Aggressive Negotiations to help with fire support. You can pull off some really cool plays if you use it to move Padmé and another unit into range of an enemy unit. Padmé can then fire and move to safety, or aim fire if you’re confident she’ll be safe. You can also use Aggressive Negotiations if you go late with Padmé to get a shot, then, when you play Aggressive Negotiations you can move her back into safety.

Padmé also gets Infiltrate with Diplomatic Cover which could be used to Infiltrate into a forward position or even onto a center box. Be very careful if you decide to do this, as if Padmé dies you just threw away about 100 crucial points to your list. I could see a center box infiltrate if it is also limited vis, or if the opponent doesn’t have many large dice pools. Padmé will of course have a dodge from Diplomatic Cover which will help keep her alive turn 1 with Nimble.

List Ideas

Padmé and Obi


This is a list I made for Yavin Base Team League. The idea of this list is to be very defensive and buff Obi-Wan. The combination of Padmé and Obi-Wan is interesting to me as Obi-Wan can make good use of all of Padmé’s command cards. Reliable on Padmé means Obi-Wan has access to a surge token in case there’s a shot he doesn’t have a dodge token for. Aggressive Negotiations can be used to give Obi-Wan a dodge, or to get a free move. Padmé’s 1 pip can pull suppression of Obi-Wan and/or give him access to even more dodge tokens. This list also has two copies of Vigilance, allowing up to four dodges on corps to be retained, or up to two on characters. The biggest problems with this list is if you are unable to produce enough dodges, which is certainly possible, and your gunline is relatively weak compared to most clone lists.



This list was run by Richard Blankenship achieving a top 8 result. Basically in a Rexstar style list with Padmé you lose a clone unit in exchange for her. A problem with this is that command cards can be a problem. Personally, I would take Aggressive Tactics off of Rex and use those points for something else or a bid, and then take all of Padmé’s cards. The 2-pips could be interesting though. There’re 3 really good cards, and you can only take 2. I think Air Support probably is a good choice over Aggressive Negotiations in a list with Rex, though the card gets even better if Rex has a Jetpack.

The goal of this list is pretty similar to most Rexstar lists though I imagine you’re looking for a few extra fire supports mostly off of Padmé.

Saber Go Brrrrrr


My headliner list. I did cover this list very extensively in my last article found here

In this list Padmé’s whole goal is to keep the tank fueled up with green tokens and orders. Always keep the Saber Tank within Range 2 of Padmé and start erasing things off the board.

Final Thoughts

Padmé has been an excellent character for me. She is very good at what she does and is able to flex into a couple other roles if need be. The biggest downside of her right now is the same as all GAR units that aren’t clones, she isn’t a clone. If the Clone Trooper keyword sees some changes in the future then Exemplar may become much more important.

My next article will cover one of my most played and enjoyed objectives, Hostage Exchange. Spoiler, Vader can be very, very good in Hostage Exchange



3 Responses

  1. Hmmm.. I guess you are referring to an idea of recovering mid-turn and then using it again if needed. Sorry for the confusion on what you were suggesting there
