Category Archives: Unit Analysis

Phase I Clone Trooper Unit Guide

This article will be a Star Wars: Legion unit guide for Phase I Clone Troopers. [...]

X-34 Landspeeder – Unit Guide

This guide will discuss how to use the Hero transport X-34 Landspeeder. It’s had to [...]

Iden Versio – Unit Guide

This unit guide will cover Iden Versio Inferno Squad Leader. While Vader is currently in [...]

Raddaugh Gnasp Fluttercraft – Unit Guide

"What if a helicopter shot out of its butt?"

Ranking the Units by Canon “Accuracy:” Rebels

Around a month ago I was cracking wise on the Legion Discord about how positive [...]

PAX Unplugged Tournament Recap – Mike Gemme

Hello there.  My name is Mike Gemme and I’m fairly new to Legion, though not [...]

Rebel Chewbacca – Unit Guide

Not too long ago Timbo discussed using Chewbacca and Yoda in Grand Army of the [...]

Operative Vader – Unit Guide

This unit guide will cover Darth Vader the Emperor’s Apprentice. The huge buffs in the [...]

Infantry Support Platform ‘ISP’ – Unit Guide

This Post will be covering the Infantry Support Platform (ISP) for the Grand Army of [...]

Han Solo – Unit Guide

This unit guide will cover Han Solo, one of the many Commanders you have access [...]