Author Archives: Evan Paul

Wherefore the Battle Force?

Legion’s recently released Battle Forces fail to deliver on their own promise, but there is [...]

Ranking the Units by Canon “Accuracy:” Shadow Collective

The Shadow Collective Expansion finally released today! But how does it measure up to the [...]

The Fifth Trooper Explains Mercenaries

So, what’s up with those mercs? Last week this intrepid website brought you all the [...]

Not-Quite Ministravaganza Recap/Reactions 6-9-22

It was June the 7th of our year 2022 and everyone was pumped as hell [...]

“Rocky Top Open” and “Legion By The Bay” Top-of-Cut Lists

Legion By The Bay Held at “Kubla Con” in San Francisco, this was held as [...]

Doc Velo Picks Your List’s Theme Song

What’s your list’s theme song? Well pump up the volume and I’ll tell you! Yes, [...]

A Few Maneuvers: Anakin Skywalker

This article will cover Anakin Skywalker for Star Wars: Legion. How the hell did I [...]

EXCLUSIVE: Reveals for a new expansion!

Ladies and gentleman I hardly know what to say. As you may know, Adepticon happened [...]

A Few Maneuvers: Yoda

Here we’ll take a deep dive into some tactics that can help Yoda thrive on [...]

Ranking the Units by Canon “Accuracy:” Separatists

Roger Roger! Clanker! GENERAAAAAL KENOBIIIII! These words? They’re for the algorithm. I have no interest [...]