Rebel List spotlights – Embracing the Skew

Today we’re going to take a look at a couple of “new” meta Rebel lists [...]

The Road To Worlds – Part X – A Bridge Too Far

Hello Legion Gamers! Welcome back to The Road To Worlds – Part X! For those [...]

We’re Recruiting Writers For Our Team!

The Fifth Trooper Network is now recruiting for our Legion Article team! Are you an [...]

Much to do about Imps.

It’s been on my mind for a while trying to settle on a good empire [...]

Invader League Top Lists

Invader League is nearly concluded; we are presently in the top four, with matches to [...]

The Rebel Party Bus is the Real Deal

On Wednesday we got several significant spoilers out of France(Thank you Ryo on TLD!) for [...]

B2 Super Battle Droids – Unit Guide

This week we’ll take a look at the Separatists’ mindless automatons of destruction, the B2 [...]

The Empire is better then you think – Here’s why

Greetings Imperial Warlords of the galaxy! (And all you other warlords too) Lately there’s been [...]

The Curious Case of Fives

As we all know, ARC Troopers continue to be extremely good. There’s also an ARC [...]