Reminiscing the Las Vegas Open

Imagine this: it’s the Las Vegas Open 2020, your first ever wargaming convention. Not only [...]

Las Vegas Open – Top 8 lists

The Las Vegas Open Star Wars Legion tournament was this weekend, and boy did it [...]

Jay’s Unofficial, Unequaled and Unbelievable Guide to Traveling!

It’s 7:30 am Thursday January 23rd and I’m on my way to LVO. I’ve been [...]

Operative Luke Unit Guide

Luke Skywalker, Jedi Knight. That has a sexy ring to it, doesn’t it?  I mean, [...]

Outer Rim Tactics: Positive Turn Zero and Objective Plays

Welcome back to Outer Rim Tactics, where we dive in-depth on specific strategies, fundamentals, and [...]

Five Ways to Win More Games of Star Wars Legion

Playing Legion, or really any tabletop miniatures game, is a skill. You’ll hear a lot [...]

Raccoon Road Trip – Star Wars Legion Primes

Hello there!  It’s that time of year again.  The time for what used to be [...]

New Year’s Resolution: Star Wars Legion Edition

Holiday season is upon us, hopefully everyone’s Christmas was merry and full of Star Wars [...]

Recon Intel: Preparation for Performance

For those of you wanting to stay healthy while doing this amazing hobby of ours [...]

The Secrets of Hoth

Once a month we will be publishing a Star Wars: Legion fan fiction with an [...]