Imperial Commanders as a Beginner

Can you hear that in the distance? Is that John Williams’ masterpiece, The Imperial March?! [...]

Rapid Reaction: Director Orson Krennic

  “We were on the verge of greatness. We were this close to providing peace [...]

Rebel Support and the T-47 as a Beginner

We’re at the end of the Rebel forces as I am going to bunch up [...]

Chewbacca: The Lone Operative

We don’t have to much to offer here in terms of variety! Chewbacca has been [...]

LVO – The Data Article, Part 2

This week, we continue our dissection of the match and list data from LVO.  We [...]

Rebel Special Forces as a Beginner

You have your Commander(s) and your Corps units at the ready and it’s time for [...]

Rebel Corps as a Beginner

Core? Corps? Which is it! Truly it’s corps, but many people will say core. Either [...]

Rebel Commanders as a Beginner

We’ll go ahead and assume you’ve tackled the learning game with the core set. Now [...]

Staying on Target

I’ve collectively played about ten games of Legion, and plan on playing tonight! Throughout these [...]

Painting Intimidation Factor

“I find your lack of faith disturbing.” — Darth Vader   You finally have Star [...]