Invader League May Madness!

Picture of Zachary Barry

Zachary Barry

Zachary Barry writes for The Fifth Trooper Network and has been a life long Star Wars fan who recently got into gaming with Star Wars Legion. Zachary has qualified for the 2020 High Command Invitational and will be heading out to this years Las Vegas Open. When he's not writing for or playing Star Wars Legion he's spending time with his family.



If you’re on the Discord already you’re probably aware of Invader League and what is about to be the first May Madness. Now if you’re not on the Discord and you’re like what the heck is Invader League and what is May Madness, well you’ve come to the right place.

This past month has been the round robin stage of the Invader League. What’s Invader League you ask? The Invader League is an online Star Wars Legion league on the Table Top Simulator mod. In fact, it’s not JUST a Star Wars Legion League but the biggest one put together to date with 96 participants from all over the globe. This season (3) consists of 5 member per group where you play on a different, pre-constructed map, and the top 2 from each group moves on to the single elimination stage. The unique thing about Invader League is you know what faction your opponent plays before each match and you get to study the maps before, as well, and perhaps build your list around that map and/or around your opponents faction. Another interesting and fun aspect is that the league allows you to play unreleased units, such as the tank and landspeeder (since released) and everyone’s soon to be favorites Sabine and Bossk. I have run Sabine in all of my games and she is a lot of fun. I’m currently 2 and 2, and have a slim chance of making the single elimination round.

That said, win or lose/make the single elimination round, I can still participate in the single eliminations and so can YOU! There had been some chatter and joking around about doing a bracket style pick-em for the single elimination rounds….but you kick the can enough, and something comes out of it! Funnily enough, 32 people move on to the single elimination round which gives you a very ideal number for running a bracket challenge. Toss in the fact that Challonge has a free bracket generator and voila. So just like March Madness and College Basketball, there’s going to be a pick em style bracket with all of the 32 players remaining all the way to the final game and winner of the league.

It will be free to enter, and if you join the discord you’ll see most (if not all) of these single elimination games being streamed on Twitch. So just as if you’re rooting on Coach K and Duke, you can tune in and start screaming and clapping when Orkimides starts taking shots with Bossk. Star Wars Legion with a bracket on the line? Sounds fantastic to me.

But what’s a bracket without prizes? We’ll be keeping track of all of the brackets and points accumulated, and there will be prizes as follows for the top 3 brackets:

1st Place – $75 in gift cards to Miniature Market

2nd Place – A Bossk or Sabine miniatureJournal

3rd Place – A Bossk or Sabine miniature

Round Robin games end on May 5th, and brackets will need to be in May 7th by 9 am EST. It is quite a bit of a quick turn around, which means you’ll need to be on top of things. If you’re not on Challonge, it’s very simple to set up an account. Then follow the link that I will put at the end of this post, it should bring you to the Invader League S3 Bracket Challenge. From there, all you need to do is hit the ‘Create a Prediction’ button which brings you to a screen with all of the participants and how the bracket will snake. Simply click on the name of the person you expect to win and they will move to the next round, so on and so forth until you have the final winner projected. Give the bracket a name, put in your email address, and bing, bang, boom you’re in on the Bracket Challenge and May Madness! If you want more information and to look at the standings as of right now, here’s the link to the Invader League Season 3: (might need to copy and paste, not showing up as a link on my writing screen)

As for the bracket itself: Invader League S3 Bracket Challenge – Challonge

Keep in mind, the bracket isn’t completely ready yet because the 32 players are not all yet decided!! It will be updated accordingly.

Some final notes about this, all the thanks needs to go to the Invader League crew for putting all of this stuff together, especially LJ Pena aka Talk Polite on the Discord. Speaking of LJ, while we’re on the topic, I want to mention the newest addition to the Legion community with the Legion Tournament Circuit website. He’s been hard at work on the project for a little bit, and I’ll give a brief overlay of what the objective is for the website. It’s, hopefully, going to be the gold standard of information and data of how to run a Star Wars Legion tournament. It’s going to have suggestions, tools, terrain tips, and general breakdowns of what’s necessary when running an event. Already there’s a plethora of information, such as a list of all the Rally Point Qualifiers and how year 2 Organized Play works. There’s a page dedicated to recommended formats, depending on how many players you have for the event. Terrain tips and how a table should be for tournament play. And the best thing, in my opinion, is going to be the community locator map. It’s not quite ready yet, from what I understand, but once it’s up it’s going to help find players find their local community which is pretty awesome! Here’s the link to that, you should definitely check it out!

Join the Discord! ( and join in on all the fun that will be May Madness!!

May the Force be with You!



