Category Archives: The Fifth Trooper

Highlander Lists – Fun for everyone

There can be only one! If you have been listening to the Scoundrels or had [...]

Darkness Descends – Vader LAAT

Greetings! Today we’re going to take a look at a list that I was introduced [...]

We’re Recruiting Writers For Our Team!

The Fifth Trooper Network is now recruiting for our Legion Article team! Are you an [...]

Look! You can hobby too!

Welcome troopers! We present the next installment in our hobby series. One of the reasons [...]

Taco Pinwheel

Rachael is back with another Fifth Trooper Classic! Find here other post recipe here! Taco [...]

Notorious Scoundrels Campaign Rules

As many of you know, the Notorious Scoundrels have started a campaign on Today we’re [...]

Star Wars Legion Unit Power Rankings – August 2020

Power Rankings It’s August – new units are on the horizon in the form of [...]

The New Legion HQ

We have launched a revamped, re-imagined Legion HQ! With all the new features and new [...]

The Road to Worlds – Part VI – Invade the Clone Wars Have

The Road to Worlds – Part VI – Invade the Clone Wars Have Welcome back [...]

Mississippi Pot Roast

You have all been asking for this for so long and its time we deliver. [...]