Category Archives: Blog

The Fifth Trooper Network Blog. All about Star Wars: Legion!

List Building: Activation Count and Control

  Short piece here, since I’m in Aruba and have some time to kill….and of [...]

Cohesion as a Beginner

No, this isn’t a post about super gluing your fingers together, but we have all [...]

Unit Upgrades

Now that we’re through talking about all of the units in the game, I mentioned [...]

Imperial Support and Heavy Units as a Beginner

We’re here, at the end of the Imperial road. Combining the Support and Heavy units [...]

AdeptiCon High Command – Top 8 Lists

The much anticipated AdeptiCon came, and boy, what a loaded weekend.  We got Clones, we [...]

Boba freakin’ Fett

“He’s no good to me dead.” – Boba Fett The title of this post has a [...]

Imperial Special Forces as a Beginner

Now that Adepticon has come and gone, and I hope you all tuned in to [...]

The Clone Wars are HERE!

“Hello there!” Now that some time has gone by, let’s just talk briefly about the [...]

Imperial Corps as a Beginner

The might of the Empire as we know it comes in white armor. Whether it [...]

Rapid Reaction: Imperal Death Troopers

  As the raging debate on the internet goes on as to whether the Death [...]