Category Archives: Tactics & Strategy

Outer Rim Tactics: Melee Range and Terrain Scoping

Welcome to the first edition of Outer Rim Tactics, where I will go in-depth on [...]

List Identification: Dooku and Grievous

Hopefully a few weeks ago you took a gander at Mike Syrylo’s post in regards [...]

Shoretroopers – Unit Guide

This week we take a gander at the newest Empire gunline hotness for Star Wars [...]

Star Wars: Legion List Identification: Rex and Obi-Wan

Welcome to the first part in a new series we’re entitling “List Identification.” In this [...]

A Quick Guide to Battle Droids and Uplinks

The Confederacy of Independent Systems (CIS) has officially arrived in Star Wars: Legion, and they [...]

The Road to Worlds – 2020 – Part II – Going NOVA

The Road to Worlds – 2020 – Part II – Going NOVA With my invite [...]

(Re) Balance in the Force – Star Wars: Legion Points Update

This article takes a look at the surprise (but not unwelcome) points re-balance and errata [...]

Creature Trooper Oddities

**Disclaimer: When this article was published, this was the working “concept” of the time and [...]

Your Focus Determines Your Reality

Welcome back to the Jedha Journal! We have something a little different this week for [...]

Help, I’m Being Suppressed – How Suppression works in Star Wars Legion

When I first started playing Legion, suppression was simply a thing that happened, and I [...]